How to Attract Better Building Clients – The 3D Model
the successful builder how to attract better clients
So you want large renovation jobs? And there are potential clients out there! They need a renovation building specialist like you, but you keep getting clients who want you to fix their fence or repair their broken windows.You are perfectly capable of delivering a great job on a large renovation project – but these potentials clients are not calling you. You need to use tried and true marketing and sales techniques to get them to sign up with you.One of the time tested ways to get your phone ringing is to shape your advertising so it tells potential clients what it is YOU specialise in doing. Then, those who particularly want this will call you.This is how you go about shaping your advertising to do just this.
Define: Know what it is you specialise in delivering
Describe: Create a marketing byline that communicates this
Disseminate: Put this by-line in every piece of advertising material
Look closely at several competitors and note what they do well and what they offer to your potential market. Note too where you think they do not do so well and what an average person might say about them? Next make a list of the things that you can confidently say about yourself or your service that would appeal to your potential clients.
Review your list and play around with phrases until you come up with one phrase that describes you or your company. Try and get this phrase so it is no longer than 10 words. This is your catch phrase and it tells your potential customers the something special about you that encourages them to call you first.
For ExampleNow that you have your by-line, make sure that it is on your street signage, vehicles, website, and every other piece of advertising you use.Craig did his apprenticeship with a large company that trained apprentices in all areas of the building process including specialised training in roofing, framing, cladding, joinery etc. '
He then worked in the UK,Australia, South America and New Zealand gaining experience in the building processes and materials used in each country and the particulars of weather conditions in each. Along the way he became a specialist in international building practices. So, when he set up his business in New Zealand he focused on upper market renovations and potential clients who wanted a higher standard of workmanship. His by-line? “Builders of International Excellence”
By telling your potential clients your speciality area you set yourself apart from your competitors and provide a specific reason for potential clients to call you.
P.S. Whenever you’re ready….here are 4 ways I can help you grow your building business:
1. Grab a copy of my free book
It’s a road map of a successful 15 minute sales call that’s guaranteed to increase your conversion rate.
2. Join Trade Mates and connect with builders who are scaling too.
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